
Christmas Panto at NRC

Posted on 25th Jan

Christmas Panto at NRC

Both classes within the Primary school worked on separate Christmas themed performances within their drama lessons across the Autumn term. The older pupils worked hard learning lines and rehearsing a play called "Santa's setbacks". Within the play Santa and his elves had to fix all of the problems that Santa was having in the lead up to his important Christmas eve delivery, this included: the Sleigh not working, Rudolph not being well and a massive snow storm! The younger pupils worked on creating their own Christmas play called "The naughty child at Christmas", it was set in Santa's workshop and whilst the elves were busy making all the toys a naughty boy snuck in and tried to change the naughty and nice list. Luckily in both performances Santa and the Elves were able to fix all the problems and the Christmas presents could all be delivered!


Both performances had acting, singing and dancing and the pupils worked really hard to make the performance the best they could. It was great for staff to see pupils working well together and developing their confidence to perform and present to their peers and adults.


After performing to an audience some of the pupils said:


"I loved it"

"I was nervous but once we started it was lots of fun"

"The songs were fun"

"I changed my voice and by body language"

"I liked making the costumes"

"I was pleased I remembered all of my lines"

"I learnt to stay in Character, face the audience and speak loudly"

"I liked watching the other class"

"It was good to work together as a whole class"



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