Swan Upping Adventure
Posted on 19th Sep
New Regents College pupils and staff were invited to the prestigious Royal Swan Upping on the River Thames, an annual ceremony. Swan Upping plays an important role in the conservation of the mute swan and involves The Queen’s Swan Warden collecting data, assessing the health of young cygnets and examining them for any injuries. Cygnets are extremely vulnerable at this early stage in their development and Swan Upping affords an opportunity to help both adults and cygnets that might otherwise go untreated.
The Royal Swan Uppers, who wear the scarlet uniform of Her Majesty The Queen, travel in traditional rowing skiffs together with Swan Uppers from the Vintners’ and Dyers’ livery companies.
We were invited to tea on the lawn of Sara Langton, on the banks of the River Thames. Sara is involved with New Regents College through The Worshipful Company of Vintners, our partner organisations and supporter of New Regents College. The pupils enjoyed honey sandwiches and far too many cakes! The behaviour of the pupils was exemplary. Many of the guests came to meet with us and some offered additional boat trips on the Thames.
All pupils received a Certificate of Attendance from Buckingham Palace and signed by David Barbour, MVO, Swan Marker to Her Majesty the Queen.
It was a fantastic day out for pupils and staff alike. A big thank you to Sara Langton for her generous invitation, and to her neighbours who made us all feel very welcome.